Air conditioning service Orlando is an important part of routine upkeep. If you don’t get your AC serviced, you’re likely to encounter problems later on that can be costly to repair. During the summer, it’s inevitable that your AC will have to work harder, and the...
If your air conditioning unit has a small leak, you’ll probably be tempted to fix it on your own and save some money. After all, it’s just a very small leak; how hard could it be to fix? While you may think it’s a small, easy fix, there is usually an underlying issue...
Servicing your air conditioning is a key factor in maintaining it. Without proper servicing, your AC won’t be prepared for hot days and may struggle to perform. To reduce the risk of your air conditioner breaking when you need it most, you should be sure to schedule...
If your air conditioning unit seems to be working fine, you probably don’t think there’s a need to service it. Unfortunately, not keeping up with proper maintenance will lead to having a poorly functioning AC unit that will need frequent repairs or a complete...
The whole point of a thermostat is to allow you to regulate your heating and air conditioning. Realistically, you can use any old thermostat, but with the increased controls and features of a smart thermostat, there are more features to help you save money. You have...
Most people don’t realize how reliant we are on our thermostats. Your thermostat is such a vital component of your home, keeping your home’s temperature comfortable for everyone. If your thermostat is not working, you’re probably in a panic and rush to fix it right...